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    The Buying Legal® Council is the Professional and Educational Institute for Buying Legal Services & Legal Technology. We support professionals tasked with sourcing legal services and managing supplier relationships. Founded in 2013, today it counts hundreds of Members and Friends around the world from a wide range of industries: pharmaceuticals, banking and insurance, technology, media, retailers, consumer goods, electronics, sportswear to public and governmental entities.

      Our members work on the client side, hold procurement, operations or other in-house positions at their organizations. Members at every stage in their career benefit from participating in the Buying Legal® Council.

      We support our Members through continued education and onboarding, research, advocacy, and networking.

      Joining the Buying Legal® Council enhances your professional training, gives you access to practical resources, and connects you with your peers. As Members, Legal Procurement professionals will add more value to their organization and improve their performance by learning from others and their best practices, and avoid reinventing the wheel.

        We also seek a professional and constructive dialogue with sellers of legal services and legal technology. Sellers can join the Buying Legal® Council as Friends. Our Friends enjoy many of the same benefits as our Members.

          Some of the many benefits when joining the Buying Legal® Council:


          • Access the largest collection of knowledge on legal procurement: Primers, Cheat Sheets, Templates, Videos, Podcasts, slides from previous conferences and conference calls, and other useful material on legal procurement.
          • Get your certificate Fundamentals of Legal Procurement
          • Our onboarding process will help you succeed quickly in the legal category


            • Educational and professional development opportunities
            • Access to master class and bootcamp materials
            • Access to conference and webinar material
            • Educational material to make your job easier
            • Access to proprietary and relevant research

              WEBINARS & VIDEOS
                • Best Practices: experts present on a variety of relevant topics, such as RFPs, fee arrangements, negotiating with law firms, scorecards for firms and others.
                • Legal Lessons: Increase your category knowledge with our “Mini Law School” videos on a variety of legal topics and legal systems. The Legal Lessons help you become a better, more sophisticated buyer of legal services.

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                Management Team